Photo:320x400 mm, Text:170x270 mm

Gilly is named after a fifty-two-year-old woman from Britain. Orsa and Gilly were the two most important ladies at that time in my life.
She was a social worker who specialized in helping old people. I never met her, but she sent me a picture.
You could tell from her face that she worked hard in her life. She looked worn down and much older than she was. She had a thirty-one-year-old daughter who also played the computer game. We played World of Warcraft every day together for three years.

Gilly was always there. She was around me all the time. She was a Rogue. But because she wasn't good, I often taught her how to play better. When enemies came closer to her, she couldn't keep calm. She easily panicked. She couldn't perform the special moves – like sneaking up or stepping behind someone. I told her to change her character to something like a Druid or a Hunter, but she disagreed. She couldn't be a victim. She acted like a warrior. And people started gossiping about us: “Why are you with her all the time?” or “ Why are you always walking around with such a bad rogue?” But these kinds of noise from others didn't matter to me, as long as we were having fun. We had a lot of fun and she was a very loyal friend.

But once, I got angry with her, when she was acting selfishly. I didn't contact her anymore after that, because she let me down.
For three years, I was helping her all the time. And it was only once that I asked her for a little help, and she refused. It was the first time after three years that I had asked her to help. I was very disappointed. Some months later, she told me that she did it on purpose to make me angry. I couldn't understand it. I ended the friendship and never learned her reason.

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